Tuesday, July 2, 2024

What Are The Differences Between A Legitimate Multi-Level Marketing Company And A Pyramid Scheme?

In recent years many companies have successfully utilized so-called "multi-level marketing" practices. It is important, therefore, to address the differences between a pyramid scheme and a legitimate multi-level marketing company. Initially, it should be noted that pyramid schemes always fail, while multi-level marketing companies sometimes survive.  

What Is A Pyramid Scheme?

A pyramid scheme is a fraudulent system of making money based on recruiting an ever-increasing number of "investors." The initial promoters recruit investors, who in turn recruit more investors, and so on. The scheme is called a "pyramid" because at each level, the number of investors increases. The small group of initial promotors at the top require a large base of later investors to support the scheme by providing profits to the earlier investors.

Pyramid schemes are illegal in New York State, as well as in many other states. Article 23A of the General Business Law of the State of New York §359-fff sets forth the criminality of initiating and participating in pyramid schemes (also known as chain distributor schemes).

Pyramid schemes may or may not involve the sale of products or distributorships. The trend is to involve sales of products or distributorships in an attempt to show legitimacy. This is done solely to sidestep the regulatory agencies, as most state laws prohibit marketing practices where the potential for profit stems primarily from recruiting other investors and not from the sale of products. The bottom line, however, is that in all pyramid schemes, the selling of a product itself is much less important than the recruiting of new investors.

What Is Multi-Level Marketing?

Multi-level marketing is a method of selling products directly to consumers without intermediary retail stores. Products are sold through a network of distributors or salespersons set up to resemble a pyramid: each distributor recruits and trains additional distributors and will earn commissions on their sales, as well as on the sales he or she makes. Because of their pyramidal structure, multi-level marketing companies can sometimes be pyramid schemes.

What Are The Differences Between A Legitimate Multi-Level Marketing Company And A Pyramid Scheme?

A legitimate multi-level marketing company emphasizes reliable products or services. A pyramid scheme uses products or services to disguise its quest for collecting money from the investors on the bottom levels to pay other investors further up the pyramid.

In a typical pyramid scheme, new investors must pay a fee for the right to sell the products or services as well as for the right to recruit others into the pyramid for rewards unrelated to product sales or services. Very often the products or services the victim must buy are unsalable, and the pyramid's promoters refuse to repurchase them. On the other hand, legitimate multi-level marketing companies will buy back unsold merchandise, although often at a discount from the original price.

Success in multi-level marketing is based on two factors: product and service quality, and the hard work involved in being able to sell the products or services. Recruitment of new investors is secondary.

Why Do Pyramid Schemes Always Fail? And Why Do Legitimate Multi-Level Companies Sometimes Survive?

Pyramid schemes are doomed to fail because their success depends on the ability to recruit more and more investors. Since there are only a limited number of people in a given community, all pyramid schemes will ultimately collapse. The only people who make money are those few who are on the top of the pyramid.

Legitimate multi-level marketing companies, on the other hand, can be around for a long time. Although the recruiting of additional investors is an essential part of the marketing practice, since legitimate multi-level marketing companies involve solid products or services, participants in these companies are not subject to huge losses.

Why Do People Invest In Pyramid Schemes?

If all pyramid schemes fail, why would anyone invest in them? There are three basic categories of people who invest in pyramid schemes: those who participate out of greed; those who are misled into thinking that they are joining an "investment club" or a "gift program"; and those who believe that the products or services are legitimate.

The people who participate in pyramid schemes out of greed often know that they are illegal. They nevertheless participate, hoping that the scams will last long enough for them to make a profit. However, the end result of a pyramid scheme is inevitable. At best, a few people, usually the promotors, walk away with a lot of money, leaving the bulk of the investors to lose all of the money they put into the scheme. In fact, the only way anyone could make money from pyramid schemes, is if other people are defrauded into giving money upon the promise that they in turn will be repaid

Pyramid promoters often target closely knit groups such as religious or social organizations, sports teams, and college students to increase pressure to participate. They give some pyramid schemes attractive names such as "investment clubs" or "gift programs." These clubs or programs are usually presented to these investors with assurances that they are perfectly legal, approved by the Internal Revenue Service or a Certified Public Accountant. Some even expressly state that they are not a pyramid scheme.

Participants of these clubs or programs are required to characterize their investments as "unconditional gifts" by signing waivers. The truth of the matter, however, is that by making these "gifts," everyone expects those further down on the pyramid to do the same. The intention is not to make an unconditional gift. Consequently, not only are these people involved in illegal pyramid schemes, they may also be violating tax laws.

Those investors who actually believe that the products or services which the promoters sold to them are legitimate, inevitably realize that they have been scammed. It is only when these products and services are unsaleable, and the promoters refuse to repurchase them, that they finally become aware that they have participated in an illegal pyramid scheme.

How Can You Avoid Being Defrauded?

The easiest way to avoid being defrauded is obviously not to participate in any promotion that appears to be a pyramid scheme. The following are some additional tips to help you steer clear of pyramid schemes:

Gather all information regarding the company, its officers, and its products or services. Get written copies of the company's marketing plan, sales literature, contracts, etc. Avoid promoters who fail to explain their plans clearly and in detail. In particular, read the company's prospectus or other written material. (A prospectus is a legal document that gives prospective investors information about a company.) If you don't understand it, get someone independent of the company to explain it to you.

Find out if there is a demand for the product or service. Is there a similar product or service on the market? If so, how well does it sell? If the promoters seem to be making most of their money by selling distributorships or large start-up inventories to new recruits, stay away.

Ask if you must buy a product to become a distributor. Find out if the company will buy back your inventory --you could get stuck with unsold products. Legitimate companies will buy back inventory for at least 80 to 90 percent of what you paid. Get all promises in writing.

Beware if the start-up cost is substantial. Some pyramid schemes pressure you to pay a large amount to become a "distributor." What are you getting for your money? Beware of promises of quick, easy and unreasonably high profits.

If the distributorship is providing a product for use to make a final product, make sure that whatever you provide reaches the final manufacturer. If you can, call or visit the manufacturer and ask for a list of its customers. Call the customers and ask if they are satisfied with the product.

Resist the temptation to invest just because the people selling you the program are friends or are part of your religious or social organization. They may have been misled into believing that they could make large amounts of money in a short time.

Check out any opportunity with the proper agencies.

The New York State Attorney General's Office, Investor Protection and Securities, 28 Liberty Street, New York, NY 10005

The Federal Trade Commission | Northeast Region | 1 Bowling Green, Suite 318 | New York, NY 10004 | Consumer Response Center: 1-877-382-4357

The Better Business Bureau, 257 Park Ave. South, New York, NY 10010.

SOURCE: https://ag.ny.gov/

DXN was founded by Datuk Lim Siow Jin, a graduate from the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology. Datuk Lim started the business in quest of the benefits of mushroom on human health. His deep interest and endless effort drove him to utilize the fullest potential of Ganoderma or Lingzhi, which is well-known as the King of Herbs, for human health and wealth, with the establishment of DXN in 1993.

The core business activities of DXN include cultivation, manufacturing and marketing of the health food supplements. Based in Malaysia with worldwide operations, the company is well-known for its Ganoderma business. Its product lines include dietary supplements, food and beverages, personal care products, skin care and cosmetics, household products and water treatment system. Since its inception in 1993, DXN has upheld its concept of 'One Dragon One World One Market and One Mind'. With this powerful concept, DXN has sailed through continuous growth over the years. On 30 September 2003, DXN Holdings Bhd was listed on the Main Board of Bursa Malaysia. DXN was delisted on 27 December 2011 due to a take-over offer by the founder.

DXN Holdings Bhd is the investment holdings and management company of DXN Group. DXN's high regard for quality earned the company many outstanding citations and recognitions from various health and business organizations. Along with the solid foundation and sustainable development, DXN has rapidly diversified into other business activities, which include information technology, etc. In its core business of direct selling, the rapid global expansion of DXN is recognized internationally by its vast growth of members worldwide and its amplification of footprint in key strategic locations. With over 16.4 million registered distributors worldwide, DXN is solidifying its position as one of the world leader in Ganoderma products.

Congratulations to All 55 New DXN Distributors for the Month of JUNE 2024

Congratulations to All 55 New DXN Distributors from JUNE 1 - 30, 2024.

Worldwide Viral Team Builder's:

🇩🇿 Algeria = 1
🇵🇭 Philippines = 45
🇹🇿 Tanzania = 9

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Tuesday, June 25, 2024

DXN Spirulina

DXN Spirulina, a product of DXN, is a dietary supplement made from Spirulina, a type of blue-green algae that grows in alkaline water. Spirulina is considered a superfood due to its rich nutritional profile and potential health benefits. 

Some of the health benefits associated with DXN Spirulina include:

1. Nutrient-Rich: Spirulina is a concentrated source of nutrients, including protein, vitamins (such as B vitamins and vitamin E), minerals (such as iron, calcium, magnesium, and potassium), and antioxidants. These nutrients support overall health and well-being.

2. High Protein Content: Spirulina is exceptionally high in protein, containing all essential amino acids. This makes it a valuable source of plant-based protein, particularly for vegetarians and vegans.

3. Antioxidant Properties: Spirulina contains various antioxidants, such as phycocyanin and beta-carotene, which help combat oxidative stress and reduce the risk of chronic diseases by neutralizing free radicals.

4. Immune System Support: The immune-boosting properties of Spirulina are attributed to its high concentration of nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, which help support the body's natural defense mechanisms.

5. Anti-inflammatory Effects: Spirulina contains compounds with anti-inflammatory properties, which may help reduce inflammation in the body. Chronic inflammation is associated with various health conditions, so reducing inflammation can have wide-ranging benefits.

6. Cardiovascular Health: Some studies suggest that Spirulina may help lower cholesterol levels, improve blood lipid profiles, and reduce blood pressure, thus supporting cardiovascular health and reducing the risk of heart disease.

7. Blood Sugar Regulation: Spirulina may help regulate blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity, making it potentially beneficial for individuals with diabetes or those at risk of developing diabetes.

8. Detoxification: Spirulina may help support the body's natural detoxification processes by binding to heavy metals and toxins and facilitating their elimination from the body.

9. Energy Boost: Spirulina is rich in nutrients that support energy production, such as B vitamins and iron, making it a natural energy booster.

10. Weight Management: Spirulina's high protein content and nutrient density may help promote satiety and reduce appetite, potentially supporting weight management goals when included as part of a balanced diet.

It's important to note that while Spirulina offers many potential health benefits, individual responses may vary, and it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before adding any new supplement to your routine, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are taking medications.

To Buy DXN Spirulina Products in A Discounted Price, Create Your DXN Member Account For FREE Here!

Friday, June 21, 2024


DXN Introduces

The All New DXN Handmade Smashed Mushroom Burger


After 10 years of research and a mission for a healthier planet, DXN introduces handmade smashed mushroom burger - DXN D'Burger! A plant-based burger, that is guilt free and nutritious! It contains NO ADDITIVES, NO ARTIFICIAL COLORING, and NO PRESERVATIVES!

Saving the world starts from your dining plate! With this healthier choice, you can help reduce deforestation, enjoy cleaner air, reduce pollution and eat less meat! It's suitable for those who are vegan and practice a healthy lifestyle!

The Health Benefits of Plant-Based Burgers

In recent years, the culinary landscape has witnessed a remarkable shift towards plant-based alternatives, with plant-based burgers emerging as a delicious and nutritious alternative to traditional meat-based counterparts. As more individuals seek healthier and sustainable food options, the benefits of plant-based burgers have come to the forefront, showcasing a plethora of advantages for both personal well-being and the environment.

Plant-based burgers are not just a trendy culinary choice; they represent a conscious and wholesome approach to nourishing our bodies while addressing environmental concerns. Embracing these alternatives is a step towards a healthier lifestyle, promoting personal well-being, and contributing to a more sustainable future for the planet. As awareness grows, the plant-based revolution continues to reshape our plates, proving that what's good for our health can also be good for the Earth.


DXN D'Burger has been specially crafted with assorted mushrooms, grains, vegetables and our very own secret sauce!

In addition, as a DXN Distributor, you can buy our package and earn PV and SV, which will help boost your health, wealth and happiness!

Package include Items such as Burger stall, griddle, rack, tools, mushroom patties, buns, sauces and wrapping paper.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

How To Achieve PERENNIAL Income in Network Marketing?


Network Marketing, also known as multi-level marketing (MLM), is a business model where companies sell products or services directly to consumers through a network of independent distributors. These distributors earn income not only from their own sales but also from the sales made by their recruits, creating a multi-tiered structure of earning potential. 

Here's a more detailed look at network marketing:

Key Components of Network Marketing

  1. Independent Distributors: Individuals who join the network marketing company and sell its products or services. They are not employees but independent contractors.
  2. Direct Sales: Distributors sell products directly to consumers, often through personal networks, home parties, online marketing, or other direct sales techniques.
  3. Recruitment: Distributors are encouraged to recruit new members into the network. These recruits become part of the distributor's downline.
  4. Downline: The group of distributors that a member recruits forms their downline. The original distributor earns commissions on the sales made by their downline.
  5. Upline: Conversely, the person who recruited the distributor is part of their upline. Members in the upline earn commissions on the sales made by their downline.

How Network Marketing Works

  1. Joining the Network: Individuals typically join by purchasing a starter kit or paying a membership fee. This gives them the right to sell the company's products and recruit others.
  2. Selling Products: Distributors make money by selling the company’s products to consumers. They earn a commission on each sale.
  3. Recruiting Others: Distributors also earn commissions from the sales made by the people they recruit. This creates a potential for earning passive income as the downline grows.
  4. Training and Support: Successful distributors often provide training and support to their recruits to help them succeed, as this increases the overall earnings potential.

Advantages of Network Marketing.

  • Low Start-up Costs: Starting a network marketing business often requires minimal investment compared to traditional businesses.
  • Flexible Working Hours: Distributors can work part-time or full-time, providing flexibility to manage other commitments.
  • Potential for High Earnings: With a strong network and high sales volume, distributors can potentially earn significant income.
  • Personal Development: Distributors often gain skills in sales, marketing, leadership, and personal development.

A network marketing business can potentially provide passive income, but there are several important considerations to keep in mind:

Understanding Passive Income in Network Marketing

  1. Residual Earnings: In network marketing, passive income is often generated through residual earnings. This means you continue to earn money from the sales or production of the people in your downline (the network of distributors you've recruited).
  2. Building a Strong Downline: For passive income to be substantial, you need to build a large and active downline. This requires recruiting and training new members effectively so that they can also sponsor or build network organizations and sell.
  3. Product Sales: Continuous product sales by you and your downline contribute to the residual income. The more your organization build networks and sells, the more you earn in commissions.

Steps to Achieve Passive Income in Network Marketing

  1. Choose a Reputable Company: Ensure the network marketing company has a good track record, high-quality products, and fair compensation plans.
  2. Initial Hard Work: Significant effort is required initially to build your network, recruit members, and train them. This is not a quick route to passive income and requires dedication and consistent effort.
  3. Effective Training and Support: Providing your downline with the tools, training, and support they need to succeed is crucial. Their success directly impacts your passive income.
  4. Consistency and Persistence: Success in Network Marketing often requires a long-term commitment. Consistently working on building your network and maintaining relationships with your team is key.
  5. Compliance with Regulations: Ensure that your activities and the company you choose comply with legal regulations. Avoid companies that resemble pyramid schemes, as these are illegal and unsustainable.

  • Potential for High Income: With a well-established downline, the potential for high passive income is significant.
  • Flexible Schedule: You can often work on your own schedule, which provides flexibility.
  • Personal Development: Network Marketing often involves personal development opportunities and building a range of skills.

Network Marketing can provide passive income, but it requires strategic planning, consistent effort, and the right approach. It’s important to thoroughly research the company and products, understand the compensation plan, and be prepared for the initial hard work necessary to build a successful network.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

New Members June 2024 | Viral Team Builder

Congratulations to All 31 Viral Team Builder as New DXN Distributors as of today JUNE 16, 2024.

Worldwide Viral Team Builder's:

🇵🇭 Philippines = 21
🇹🇿 Tanzania = 9